@INPROCEEDINGS{7785092, author={İ. {Demir} and D. G. {Aliaga} and B. {Benes}}, booktitle={2016 Fourth International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV)}, title={Proceduralization for Editing 3D Architectural Models}, year={2016}, volume={}, number={}, pages={194-202}, abstract={Inverse procedural modeling discovers a procedural representation of an existing geometric model and the discovered procedural model then supports synthesizing new similar models. We introduce an automatic approach that generates a compact, efficient, and re-usable procedural representation of a polygonal 3D architectural model. This representation is then used for structure-aware editing and synthesis of new geometric models that resemble the original. Our framework captures the pattern hierarchy of the input model into a split tree data representation. A context-free split grammar, supporting a hierarchical nesting of procedural rules, is extracted from the tree, which establishes the base of our interactive procedural editing engine. We show the application of our approach to a variety of architectural structures obtained by procedurally editing web-sourced models. The grammar generation takes a few minutes even for the most complex input and synthesis is fully interactive for buildings composed of up to 200k polygons.}, keywords={architecture;buildings (structures);computational geometry;context-free grammars;solid modelling;proceduralization;inverse procedural modeling;procedural representation;geometric model;polygonal 3D architectural model;structure-aware editing;pattern hierarchy;split tree data representation;context-free split grammar;hierarchical nesting;procedural rules;interactive procedural editing engine;architectural structures;Web-sourced models;grammar generation;buildings;Grammar;Buildings;Solid modeling;Three-dimensional displays;Computational modeling;Inverse problems;Shape;Procedural modeling;proceduralization;shape editing;architectural modeling;geometry processing}, doi={10.1109/3DV.2016.28}, ISSN={}, month={Oct},}